Why are pcr test results taking so long -
Why are pcr test results taking so long - Looking for: Why are pcr test results taking so long. How you get your NHS coronavirus (COVID-19) test result Click here to ENTER You will not be contacted by the Department of Health. Testing is not recommended within the first 12 weeks after you've been released from isolation as a positive case, unless you have symptoms and been адрес страницы advised by your doctor to have a COVID test. The result usually takes 10 to 30 minutes. If you have any symptoms of COVID, you should try to stay at home and away from others to avoid passing on the virus. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. This is an important method of communication that allows us to speed up contact tracing and help slow the spread of COVID If you do have symptoms you should stay home and keep reults from others until you receive your results If you test positive, why are pcr test results taking so long must self-isolate for 7 days from the date after yo...
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